Welcome to our first edition of Friendly Gamer and Staff Member of the week! Every week, we will now be doing interviews with our lucky members to get to know them more! This week we have Sprite as our Friendly Gamer and Monkeyball.jr as out Staff Member! I've asked both of them the same questions, so let's get to know them a little bit better!
Congratulations on getting FGOTW/SMOTW!! What does it feel like to get such an accomplishment?
Sprite: I feel fine about it, I mean I'm the most active member [in FG] I guess.
Monkeyball.jr: It feels honoring! Thanks for the position 😊
Do you have any plans for Friendly Gamers?
Sprite: I'm planning to become leader. Actually, I had a chance in DV (Dark Vikings) but Midnight took it away from me.
Monkeyball.jr: I have the plans of improving it, (even though it’s already great). As impossible as it seems, due to it already being perfect, I will try 🥲
Where do you see yourself in a year?
Sprite: Well, I joined armies a year ago, and idk what will happen in the second year, but I hope I get leader.
Monkeyball.jr I see myself, with great people, still being a staff at FG. 🔮
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Sprite: I like Christmas, its cold, nice, I like the storms. Yea sure summer is good and all but i can't withstand hot temperatures, sooooooo Christmas wins.
Monkeyball.jr: My favorite holiday is probably Thanksgiving, as I spend time with my family, and most importantly, eating. 🦃🍽️
Where did you get the ideas for your current usernames from?
Sprite: before Sprite I was max. I wanted a new identity since i was no longer in a gang and moved on, so I told my backstory to my ex-friend k9 and he came up with spite. Shortly after I changed it to sprite and were here in the present.
Monkeyball.jr: The idea for my current username was actually a suggestion from my girlfriend at the time. Crazy, no?
Thank you both for those wonderful interviews and congratulations again on being this week's Friendly Gamer and Staff Member of the week! Maybe next time YOU 🫵 can gain one of these positions. We notice people for activity, attending events, and people willing to help out!!
Until another time,